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Taxation without elected representation

Your great grandparents, your grandparents, your parents, and you have been paying taxes to support the biggest democratic deficit in Canada ever since the foundation of the federal state. Your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren and on into succeeding generations will continue to pay taxes to support the same democratic deficit. It is, of course, the appointed, not elected, Canadian Senate.

You have no say in the matter. The Prime Minister of the day appoints whomever he chooses to the Senate. You pay the Senator's salary, expenses, and a generous pension.

You do the same for any Member of Parliament, but at least you are free to vote for the MP. That's democracy. You are not free to vote for the Senator. That is not democracy.

Only you can end taxation without elected representation.

How? Ask each and every candidate who seeks your vote this question: Will you vote in favour of an elected Senate once you are elected a member of the House of Commons?

Naturally there are a host of other issues you may wish to raise. Health, education, employment, interest rates-but remember, if you do not take the unelected Senate into consideration, you and your children, friends, neighbours, fellow citizens will go on paying taxes for the upkeep of that most flagrant denial of democracy, the Senate, without having a say in its composition.

Only you can end taxation without elected representation.

Voting day is Monday June 28.

Have a nice day!


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