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Senate tally grows and grows

The number of Senate appointments made by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien grew again in June. As of June 30 2002 he had appointed 65 non-elected members of the Canadian Senate.

The table below shows the number of Senators appointed by Prime Ministers since 1867, the year of Confederation.

Prime Minister

No. of Senate appts.

Jean Chrétien 65
Kim Campbell 0
Brian Mulroney 57
John Turner 3
Joseph Clark 11
Pierre Trudeau 81
Lester Pearson 39
John Diefenbaker 37
Louis Saint-Laurent 55
Richard Bennett 33
Mackenzie King 103
Arthur Meighen 15
Robert Borden 62
Wilfrid Laurier 81
Charles Tupper 1
Mackenzie Bowell 13
John Thompson 5
Joseph Abbott 6
Alexander MacKenzie 16
John A Macdonald 91

Figures as of 30 June 2002


Regrettably, the Official Opposition House Leader publicly bemoaned the fact that the Prime Minister continued to appoint Party supporters to the Senate, and said he should consider appointing some members of the Opposition as Senators.

Seemingly he overlooked the fact that the Opposition says it wants an elected Senate.

Canadians have overwhelmingly demanded an elected Senate. Political parties should not divvy up Senate appointments among themselves. The demand of Canadians grows and grows as the number of appointments grows and grows. Someone has to take a lead on behalf of present and future generations of Canadians.

Readers can contact their Members of Parliament on this subject by accessing the List of Members on this site.

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